Center for Hellenic Music and Culture

Our Mission

The Center for Hellenic Music and Culture is a 501-C3, non-profit foundation. The mission of the Center is to preserve, promote and disseminate knowledge and increase awareness about the achievements of Hellenic music, dance, and culture from antiquity to the present

The Center’s vision is to save and preserve the cultural heritage and collective memory of Greece, as well as provide new meaning, and shape the future of Hellenic music, dance, and culture in North America and worldwide by:

  • creating archives for the preservation of Greece’s musical and cultural heritage
  • researching, recording, cataloguing, digitizing and restoring years and generations of Greece’s musical, dance, and cultural traditions that tend to disappear
  • sharing all collected resources with the world through digital and printed publications, media, exhibitions, concerts, workshops, as well as other unique partnerships and programs
  • organizing innovative multimedia performances that will represent the true spirit, stylistic nuances, and accurate performance practices of Hellenic musical, dance, and cultural traditions through the ages
  • creating new paths through the exploration of novel and unique representations / interpretations of Greece’s rich cultural history
  • The rationale for founding the Center for Hellenic Music and Culture is based on the belief that the capitalization on, and showcasing of cultural heritage can make an important contribution to preserving and showcasing Greek ethnic and cultural identity inside and outside Greece in the Third Millennium. In sum, the Centre will preserve and disseminate Hellenic cultural memory for future generations.

Structure and Activities

  • The Center for Hellenic Music and Culture aspires to be the main ambassador of Hellenic Music, Dance, and Culture in North America and worldwide
  • The Center is governed and advised by a board of trustees – influential individuals of Greek descent and Philhellenes, who are committed to the success of its programs and long-term goals
  • The Center will be supported by private donations, corporate and foundation grants, and revenues from its programs
  • The Center will collaborate with national and international cultural organizations, the Greek Ministry of Culture, Greek Consular authorities in the US, Hellenic and Hellenic-American cultural associations and societies, Universities, and other educational institutions and sites
  • The overall programming of the Center will include three main fields of activity:
    • Research: collecting, transcribing, editing, archiving, publishing musical and cultural artifacts
    • Scholarly and cultural activities: symposia, seminars, multimedia arts exhibitions, and other cultural and educational events
    • Performances: multimedia events celebrating different genres of Hellenic music, dance, and culture
  • Last but not least, the Center aspires to be a core institution in supporting and promoting the Greek language. Goals and activities are structured around the unbreakable unity and interconnectedness of language / literature and art—music, dance, and poetry that is part and parcel of the cultural heritage the Center aspires to preserve.